
Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work With CD, 2nd Edition)

Author : Tanya Harter Pierce

Being faced with a diagnosis of breast cancer, and knowing I would never use anything that traditional medicine had to offer, the information in this book was invaluable to me! Out of the treatments covered in this book, I chose to use a Product called Protocel. Everything I needed to know about it and how to use it was in this book, and that includes having a clearer understanding of the industry that's been built around cancer, and why people aren't told about effective alternative treatments by the medical world.

All testing shows I am now cancerfree, and I tell everyone about this book and everyone about Protocel. I was alarmed to see one gentleman say that there is never anyone who survives cancer with an alternative treatment. I talk to people all the time who have used Protocel and won their battle, as well as other treatments.

And I also take issue with someone who said the book was great, but you had to take selenium. If you are going to chose one of the treatments in this book, you don't mess around - you follow the do's and don'ts in each treatment. And one of the don'ts in using is Protocel is you DO NOT take selenium. OUTSTANDING BOOK - LIFESAVING TREATMENT!!! THIS DYNAMIC DUE SAVED MY LIFE!

Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work (Second Edition)With CD



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